Monday, October 29, 2012

Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat

I used black and red ink and pencils this time because I wasn't really prepared. At least simpler tools made me focus on getting the forms right but gaaaaah my values.

Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat Dr. Sketchy: Trick or Treat

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

at work and at rest

sketches from the office and the room I'm bedspacing in (I sleep on the top bunk ftw)

at work and at rest at work and at rest
at work and at rest at work and at rest

watercolor: Dr Sketchy

Some overdue Dr Sketchy stuff where I tried live watercoloring
watercolor: Dr Sketchy watercolor: Dr Sketchy
photos courtesy of LifeDawn
I gave this sheet away to Spidersilk Productions, the current host of these events

watercolor: Dr Sketchy watercolor: Dr Sketchy watercolor: Dr Sketchy
Some warm-up sketches

watercolor: Dr Sketchy watercolor: Dr Sketchy