Saturday, August 25, 2012

Dr Sketchy's Suspended Animation

These were from last month's Dr Sketchy featuring the Art of Shibari.

Dr Sketchy's Suspended Animation Dr Sketchy's Suspended Animation

My warm-up sketch of the venue and 5-minute sketches.

Dr Sketchy's Suspended AnimationDr Sketchy's Suspended AnimationDr Sketchy's Suspended Animation

I challenged myself this time by drawing full-page poses. I couldn't color the whole thing under the time limit but I had finished them before I left the bar

Friday, August 24, 2012

watercolor landscapes: FrameFilter

watercolor landscapes: FrameFilter

I found some extremely cheap B4-sized watercolor paper at a store (26php at Expressions). Watercolor paper is usually expensive for a reason so I would just go for some smooth cardstock.

The cheap paper holds itself well at 160gsm. Its rough texture makes my usual watercolor tricks, like glazing, difficult to pull off but it’s tolerable enough for practice.

Landscapes referenced from FrameFilter - it's a nice collection of cinematography from old movies.